Safe Electric logoNational Inspection Council for Electrical Installation ContractingElectrical Contractors' AssociationPhone (North) : +44 7835 620 592
Phone (South): +353 87 261 8603



Initial Verification

Walsh Electrical Services carry out an initial verification of all new electrical installation work constructed by us, whether in non-domestic or domestic premises. Upon completion of the work we will issue an Electrical Installation Certificate; Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate; Completion Certificate for Electrical Installations with a Maximum Import Capacity <50kVA; Completion Certificate for an Electrical Installation with a Maximum Import Capacity ≥50kVA, or a Completion Certificate for Existing Installations (as appropriate). Other certification is also provided where required (e.g. for emergency lighting or fire alarm installations).

Certification provides you with proof that your installation has been designed, constructed, inspected, tested and verified in compliance with either the IET Wiring Regulations for work in the North, or the NSAI (formerly ETCI) National Wiring Rules for work in the South.

Periodic Inspection and Testing

(Safe Electric (RECI/ETCI) Periodic Inspection Report & NICEIC/ECA Electrical Installation Condition Report)

Megger MFT1553 Multifunction Tester

We also carry out periodic inspection and testing of electrical installations in both non-domestic (including industrial and commercial) and domestic (dwelling) settings, complete with the issuance of an Electrical Installation Condition Report or Periodic Inspection Report for an Electrical Installation (as appropriate), or other reports as required. Furthermore, we can advise on any necessary remedial work to ensure the safety of any electrical installation for which you are responsible. This includes the inspection, testing and reporting required under the Private Tenancies Electrical Safety Standards Regulations in the north.

RECI (Safe Electric) recommend that most types of electrical installations in the south of Ireland be inspected and tested at least once every five years. However, depending on the nature, location and use of the installation the inspection and testing may need to be more frequent. Regulation 89(b) of SI 299 of 2007, as amended by SI 732 of 2007 applies to the workplace and requires that employers ensure that existing electrical installations are inspected and tested by a competent person periodically. The competent person shall then compile a report (Periodic Inspection Report), and any defects found during the inspection and testing must be rectified promptly so as to prevent danger. This report is also known as an ETCI Periodic Inspection Report. We will hold any Test Record Sheets for the electrical installation for inspection & audit purposes by RECI.

Whilst very often a P.I.R. showing that "no remedial work is required" is desired this is only possible where the installation is actually in a safe and compliant condition. Otherwise remedial works (including appropriate certification) will be necessary whilst conducting the inspection in order to issue a Periodic Inspection Report which does not recommend remedial work. Alternatively we can issue a P.I.R. containing observations leaving the client free to seek quotations for remedial works.

Should a quote for remedial works be required this is only possible following completion of the inspection and reporting initially quoted for. Otherwise we would not be in a position to know the extent or cost of either materials or labour required. As such a quote for periodic inspection and testing is always exclusive of any and all remedial work to the existing electrical installation.

We cannot reissue a modified Periodic Inspection Report following remedial works. (Such a course of action would require a new inspection and a new report at further cost.) However this should not be necessary as the Completion Certificate for any remedial works should be read in conjunction with the Periodic Inspection Report to prove that the necessary works have been completed.

Book your PIR now!

In the north of the country the initial frequency of periodic inspection and testing will be determined by the Designer of the installation, with subsequent intervals being determined by the Inspector. The person ordering the work will receive an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), which will assess the overall condition of the electrical installation as either "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory" (as appropriate). The EICR will include a Schedule of Inspections, and also a Schedule of Test Results for every distribution board present. We can provide an ECA Post EICR Assessment Completion Form to demonstrate that the installation is in a satisfactory condition where we have completed all of the necessary remedial works.

Book your EICR now!

Landlords on both sides of the border are strongly advised to have rented properties (including Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)) periodically inspected and tested (including between tenancies). This is soon to become mandatory under The Electrical Safety Standards for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024. We can also offer an NICEIC Visual Condition Report in the north, however it should be emphasised that this is only intended to be used between full periodic inspections (complete with an EICR) and not in place of them. We also provide inspection and testing for compliance with the requirements of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme in the south with a Periodic Inspection Report (PIR) and a quote for remedial works where appropriate.

All of the electrical test instruments that we use to ensure the ongoing safety of your installations are high-end and fully-calibrated products. We also have a system in place to ensure the ongoing accuracy and consistency of our test equipment used for certification and reporting purposes between instrument calibrations.

Arrange your periodic inspection and testing now!

ongoing accuracy

Entertainments Licence

As an NICEIC Approved Contractor and an ECA Registered Member we can provide all necessary reports and certificates for the electrical installation, emergency lighting and fire alarm systems required for an Entertainments Licence.

We can also advise on any remedial work required and carry this out if requested.

ESB Reconnections in Donegal (including Inishowen (e.g. Buncrana; Bridgend; Muff; Fahan) and Letterkenny

We can facilitate the reconnection of your electricity supply from the Distribution System Operator (DSO) in the south, i.e. ESB Networks (ESBN).

The Electricity Supply Board will require a Completion Certificate (RECI cert) from a Registered Electrical Contractor if the installation has been de-energised for a period of six months or greater. Please be aware that this process will require a minimum of two visits from ourselves as we must first carry out and submit Pre-Connection Tests and then subsequently return for Post-Connection Tests once the DSO (ESB) has notified us that the installation has been energised.

N.B. The ESB will not energise the supply until the Completion Certificate with the Pre-Connection Tests and declaration has been received, and should Post-Connection Tests not be submitted then they will de-energise the installation. Under NO circumstances will we submit any part of the certificate until any and all remedial works required for certification have been carried out. Should necessary works be declined then under all circumstances we will charge for inspection and testing works already performed.

You will receive a copy of the RECI Cert on full completion of the job.

Arrange your ESB reconnection Completion Certificate now!

NIE Connections

We can also complete and submit a Connection Card to the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) in the north, i.e. NIE Networks (a subsidiary of the ESB).

This is required by Northern Ireland Electricity for any new connection to the distribution network. As with the ESB reconnection process, this will require inspection and testing of the electrical installation. This may necessitate remedial works to the electrical installation if it is not in a safe and compliant condition.

Contact us now.